Breaking barriers - coaching women in leadership

Do you want to reach your peak in your professional life but feel like gender is holding you back? A Zippia leadership statistics report that women made up 58.4% of the US workforce as of September 2022 but only held 35% of senior leadership positions. Being a woman and a leader in the workplace can feel like an uphill battle, with obstacles such as bias and discrimination blocking the path to success.


Don't give up - let coaching help you to break through the glass ceiling and reach your full potential. This article will tell you everything you need to know about the different types of coaching available, going with the right coach for you that will help you become the leader you were always meant to be.

What is coaching, and what does it mean to women in leadership positions?

Coaching is a professional development process that involves working with an experienced coach to help people discover and achieve their personal and professional goals. In the context of leadership development, coaching can help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to become effective leaders. Despite progress in recent years, women still need help to achieve leadership positions. Coaching can help women leaders navigate these barriers by providing them with the support, guidance, and tools they need to succeed. Coaching can help women in leadership positions to:

  • Clarify their goals and develop actionable plans to achieve them

  •  Overcome impostor syndrome and build confidence

  •  Address unconscious bias and other challenges they face in the workplace

  • Develop effective communication and negotiation skills

  •  Create a work/life balance that works for them

  • And much more!

Coaching can help you reach your full potential and create lasting change in your career if you are a woman in a leadership position.

Challenges faced by women in leadership

1. Gender bias and stereotypes

Women in leadership roles often have to deal with biases and stereotypes that can make it harder for them to move up. For example, they may be seen as less skilled or committed than their male counterparts. Coaching can help women figure out these biases and get past them by making them more confident and assertive.

2. Work-life balance

Women are often expected to work and care for their families, among other things. Coaching can help women find a work-life balance that works for them by helping them figure out and set their priorities and find ways to manage their time and energy.

3. Confidence and self-doubt

 Women in leadership positions may struggle with self-doubt and lack confidence, which can hold them back from taking risks and asserting themselves. Coaching can help women build self-confidence and overcome self-doubt through positive affirmations, visualization, and goal-setting techniques.

4. Imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is something that more and more women in leadership roles have to deal with. It is a sneaky force that can make smart, successful women feel like frauds and keep them from reaching their full potential. Women leaders shouldn't let this feeling stop them from reaching their goals and impacting the world. Women can become the leaders they are meant to be if they actively and consciously deal with their Imposter Syndrome with resilience, determination, and self-belief.

Benefits of coaching for women in leadership positions

There are many benefits to coaching women in leadership positions. Coaching can help women in leadership positions:

  •  To develop greater self-awareness and confidence. Statistics show that 80% of people who've had the experience of being coached feel a boost in their self-confidence.

  • Identify their goals and creates plans to achieve them successfully.

  • Improve communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Manage stress and emotions more effectively.

  • Become more strategic and innovative thinkers

  • Make better decisions, and create a more positive and productive work environment.

  • In addition, coaching can help women in leadership positions to better understand and relate to their employees, build stronger teams, and create a more positive corporate culture.

Types of coaching available to women in leadership positions

There are many different types of coaching available to women in leadership positions. The most common type of coaching is executive coaching, which focuses on helping leaders develop their skills and abilities. Other types of coaching include life coaching, which helps individuals achieve their personal and professional goals, and business coaching, which helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Some coaches specialize in specific areas, such as career coaching, relationship coaching, and health and wellness coaching.

Choosing the right coach for you

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. The right coach for you will depend on your individual needs and goals. However, key factors to keep in mind when choosing a coach are their experience, qualifications, and coaching style.

  • Qualifications and experience: It is important to choose a coach who has experience working with women in leadership positions, as they will understand the unique challenges and opportunities you face.

  • Personal fit and compatibility: It is also important to work with a coach who is a good personal fit and compatible. Some coaches prefer to focus on goal-setting and action planning, while others take a more holistic approach that includes exploring your values and identity. The crucial thing is to find a coach whose style resonates with you and who you feel comfortable working with.

  • Availability and accessibility: A coach should be available and accessible to meet with you regularly, whether in person or virtually.

Take the time to speak with several different coaches before making your decision, and be sure to ask about their experience, qualifications, and coaching style. With the right coach, you can achieve anything you want.

Making the most of your coaching experience


When working with a coach, be honest about your goals and aspirations. Your coach should be comfortable talking to you and be supportive. While your coach should be in a no-judgment zone, they should also help you to stay realistic about your goals.

Here are some tips for making the most of your coaching experience:

1. Be clear about your goals and what you want to achieve through coaching- Being clear about your goals will help you and your coach focus on the most important areas.

2. Be open and honest with your coach- Your coach can only help you if you're honest about what's going on in your life and what you're struggling with. Be honest about your challenges and successes, and don't shy away from sharing your thoughts and feelings.

3. Be committed to the process - Coaching takes time and effort and will only work if you're committed. Be prepared to put in the work required to progress toward your goals.

4. Be willing to try new things. If your coach suggests trying something new, be open to giving it a go. You may find that it helps you in ways you never expected.

5. Trust your coach. If you've chosen a coach you feel comfortable with, trust that they have your best interests and will help you achieve your goals.


You can make a real difference in your organization as a woman in a leadership position. Coaching can help you develop the skills and confidence you need to be an effective leader. When choosing a coach, it is important to find someone who fits your personality and needs well. Once you have found the right coach, make the most of your coaching experience by being open and honest with your coach, setting goals, and taking action on your coach's suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions on coaching

  1. What is coaching?

Coaching is a professional relationship in which the coach helps the client reach a goal or achieve a certain result. Coaching is a collaborative process; clients are usually expected to be involved in their growth.

2. What are the benefits of coaching for women in leadership?

Coaching is a good thing for women in leadership in many ways. Coaching can help women leaders set goals, create plans, and hold themselves accountable. Coaching can also help women in leadership positions improve their communication and social skills, confidence, and stress and conflict management. Coaching gives women in leadership roles an objective person to talk to about decisions, problems, and challenges.

3. What are some common coaching topics for women in leadership?

Coaching topics depending on the client's needs and goals, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, coaching for women in leadership roles often covers confidence, goal-setting, time management, communication, and stress management.

4. How do I find a qualified coach?

Look for these qualities in a good coach:

  • Ensure a reputable organization licenses the coach.

  • Find a coach with industry experience.

  • Make sure the coach fits your personality.

  • Another good way to find a coach is to ask trusted people. If you know someone who had a good coaching experience, they can recommend someone. Women leaders can find coaches online. Call the coaches you've chosen to talk to. You can learn more about them and decide if they're a good fit.

5. How do I get the full coaching experience?

Be open with your coach. Leave your comfort zone to grow. Change takes time, so be patient and trust the process. 

Ihor, CEO at Workee

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